A Campaign for Life!

L O O K I N G F O R T H A T P E R F E C T L I V I N G K I D N E Y D O N O R . . .


I'm Philip Scott Jackman, and I'm on the wait-list for a living kidney donation. I've been waiting for over 3 years, and I'm running out of time.

I need your help to find a living donor. I appreciate you taking time to learn more about my journey to find a kidney donor.

Regardless of how you found your way to my story, the more people that are

aware, the stronger my chances are for finding the perfect match!

My blood type is O-Negative so I need a donor that is O-Negative

Please help spread the word and if you are interested in becoming a donor, please go to www.livingdonortufts.org

#livingdonor #kidneytransplant #needadonor #livingdonormatch #findadonor #helpmefindadonor #livingdonorcampaign #sharemystory #spreadtheword


My Story...

**A Heartfelt Journey: Scott's Battle and the Beacon of Hope**

In the heart of every struggle, there lies a story of resilience and hope. Such is the journey of Philip S. Jackman, known affectionately as Scott, a 40-year-old African American man whose life is a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit. Scott’s story is not just his own; it mirrors the challenges and hopes of many, making his narrative both personal and universally inspiring. As we embark on sharing his journey, we urge you to consider a profoundly impactful act of kindness: getting tested as a potential kidney donor for Scott. Your willingness to volunteer can light up the path to a brighter future for him.

Scott’s life before the pandemic was filled with the joy of connection and the light of positivity, earning him the nickname "Scotty Heaven" from his adoring father. However, as the world was enveloped by the uncertainty of the early pandemic days, Scott faced a personal crisis that would test his resilience like never before. In early 2020, Scott contracted Covid-19, underestimating the virus’s severity at first. This moment marks not just a battle for recovery but also a call to action for potential donors to step forward, offering Scott a beacon of hope and a chance at a healthier future.

With limited information available and the world in chaos, Scott, guided by the wisdom of health experts and a determination to survive, embarked on a challenging journey toward recovery. He chose the safety of his home for this battle, with his younger brother Marc by his side, providing unwavering support and companionship.

Scott's recovery from Covid-19 was a beacon of hope, a testament to his strength and determination. However, the aftermath of the virus unveiled a new challenge: Stage 5 chronic kidney disease, a direct consequence of his earlier battle. This diagnosis marked the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with uncertainty but also the possibility of healing.

Faced with this new reality, Scott underwent months of dialysis, an experience that tested his spirit yet never dimmed his hope. An experimental drug offered a glimmer of possibility, a chance to reclaim some semblance of normalcy and health. Now, Scott stands on the kidney transplant list, hopeful for a match that will offer him a new lease on life.

Scott’s story is a powerful reminder of the fragility of life and the strength of the human spirit. It’s a call to action, inviting us to be part of a compassionate community that supports one another in times of need. By sharing Scott’s journey, we not only spread awareness but also ignite a chain of hope and support that can save lives.

Let us come together to support Scott and many others in their battles, offering our solidarity and help to transform their stories from struggles to triumphs. Scott’s unwavering spirit, supported by the love of his family and the dedication of his medical team, shines as a beacon of hope, encouraging us to believe in the power of community and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.

As we conclude Scott's story, we repeat our heartfelt call to action. If you are moved by Scott’s journey and wish to play a pivotal role in his life, please consider getting tested as a potential kidney donor. Your decision to become part of this life-saving journey can transform Scott's struggle into a triumph, lighting up not only his life but also inspiring countless others with your act of generosity. Join us in making a profound difference; together, we can craft a narrative of hope, resilience, and shared humanity that uplifts us all.

Facts About Kidney Donation

  • As of February 20, 2024, over 92,000 individuals in the United States are on the kidney transplant wait list. Average wait time is between 1-5 years.

  • There is a significant gap between the number of individuals awaiting kidney transplants and the limited availability of living donors.

  • Kidney transplants performed from living donors may have several advantages compared to transplants performed from deceased donors:

  • A kidney from a living donor usually functions immediately, because the kidney is out of the body for a very short time. Some deceased donor kidneys do not function immediately, and as a result, the patient may require dialysis until the kidney starts to function.

  • Potential donors can be tested ahead of time to find the donor who is most compatible with the recipient. The transplant can take place at a time convenient for both the donor and recipient.

Dispelling Misconceptions

With your help, we can provide a lifeline to a long COVID-19 survivor who now finds himself battling kidney failure.

Your act of kindness could be the difference between life and death for Scott who is in desperate need of a living donor kidney transplant.

Living Donation Safety:

There is a rigorous evaluation process for donors and the excellent long-term health outcomes for most living kidney donors.

Misconceptions about Eligibility:

Age, certain health conditions, or blood type may not automatically disqualify someone from donating.

Costs associated with donation are typically covered by the recipient's insurance.

Benefits of Living Donation:

Kidneys from living donors generally last longer and function better than deceased donor kidneys.

Receiving a kidney from a living donor allows the recipient to avoid years on the waiting list.

Donors are gifted the profound emotional impact of saving or dramatically improving someone's life.

**How to Become a Donor**

How do I donate a kidney?

Simple First Steps: To initiate , please sign up to see if you are an eligible donor here.

To learn more about the process please read on:

If you have two healthy kidneys, you may be able to donate one to improve or even save someone else’s life.

There are two main types of living donation:

Directed donation

The donor names a specific person to receive the transplant. This is the most common type of living donation. The donor and recipient may or may not be related.

Non-directed donation

The donor does not name the specific person to get the transplant. Other terms for non-directed donation include "anonymous," "unspecified," "community," "good Samaritan," and "altruistic" donations.

Steps to Becoming a Donor

Getting Started:

Kidney Donor Candidate Analysis


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